新关注 > 信息聚合 > 少年西游锁妖塔玩法攻略详解


Young West lock demon tower gameplay detailed Raiders

2015-06-29 13:48:56来源: 4399

少年西游手游锁妖塔的玩法类似于天梯,有点血战到底的意思。算是考验个人战力的一个玩法吧!下面4399小编就为大家介绍下锁妖塔玩法! 通过日常任务面板选择图标后的前往可以进入,也可以找长安城红孩儿npc进入 1、单人副本,在闯关过程中怒气和生命都不会回复,闯关当前楼层可以进入下个楼层 ...

juvenile west travel lock demon tower gameplay is similar to the ladder, a bloody battle in the end. Is a play test capability! Below 4399 small series for you to introduce the next lock demon tower! Through daily tasks panel, select the icon to enter, can also for Changan City Haier NPC in 1, single copy and at checkpoints in the process of anger and life will not reply, checkpoints current floor can enter the next floor.