新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游《漫威:未来之战》现已上架


Tour the Marvel: the battle for the future "is now on the shelves

2015-06-28 11:37:13来源: 18183

游戏中将收到一条来自神盾局的老大尼克·弗瑞(Nick Fury)从未来发来的恐怖信息,称由于多维度碰撞,使得世界被撕裂,需要召集钢铁人、美国队长、浩克等复仇者联盟的英雄。 正在148个国家掀起热议的大片级ARPG手游《漫威:未来之战》带到中国!iOS版本已登陆App Store,并得...

game will be received from a shield boss Nick fry (Nick Fury) from the future to the terrorist information, said by multi dimension collision, the world was torn apart, called iron man, Captain America, hulk and revenge alliance of heroes. Is the 148 countries set off a hot ARPG large hand travel, diffuse: the future of the war brought to China! IOS version has landed Store App, and get...

标签: 手游