新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龙斗士疯狂蛋蛋-疯狂德鲁伊-疯狂不死鸟进化图鉴..


Dragon Warrior crazy egg - Crazy Druid - Undead and Crazy Bird illustrations..

2015-06-27 09:40:27来源: 4399

龙斗士疯狂蛋蛋-疯狂德鲁伊-疯狂不死鸟进化图鉴 属性 品质 极限战力 最高资质 紫色 22945 590 获得方法 基础属性(满级满阶) 攻击 生命 防御 暴击 命中 闪避 59695 1490875 49863 20% 97% ...

dragon warrior crazy egg - Crazy Druid - Undead and Crazy Bird Atlas of attribute quality limit capability of the highest qualification purple 22945_590 590 obtained method based attribute (full level full order) attack the life defense crit hit dodge 59695 59695_1490875_49863_20% 59695_1490875_49863_20% 20% to 97%.