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上古世纪职业攻略 幽影和诡术刺客装备推荐

Ancient centuries professional Raiders shadows and trickster assassin equipment recommended

2015-06-27 15:06:54来源: 多玩游戏

上古世纪的刺客是由格斗+暗杀+任意天赋组成的(比较主流的比如:幽影刺客、诡术刺客等),该类职业的物理输出非常高,而且非常灵活,在1V1和小规模的战斗中非常的强力,本篇就介绍一下该类职业如何选择装备。 在推荐装备之前先来介绍一下刺客系职业一些比较重要的属性,了解哪些属性重要才能有目的的...

ancient centuries the assassins is composed of fighting + assassination + any talent (more mainstream such as quiet shadow assassin, trickster assassin, etc.), this kind of professional physical output is very high, and very flexible, in 1v1 and small-scale fighting very strength, this article introduce the class career, how to choose equipment. Prior to the introduction of the recommended equipment to introduce some of the more important attributes of the assassin system, to understand what attributes are important to have a purpose...