新关注 > 信息聚合 > 随时随地MOBA一下!《英雄团》精英内测震撼开启


Anytime, anywhere MOBA! "The hero group" elite beta shocked to open

2015-06-26 20:30:09来源: 不凡游戏网

随时随地,MOBA一下!玩家们期待已久的《英雄团》精英内测在今天震撼开启!此次精英内测包括平衡性调整、游戏界面设计、新增英雄角色、全新酷炫战斗地图等内容,其中一直充满着神秘色彩的全新系统——天赋系统闪亮登场!《英雄团》定不负众多玩家期望,以更加酷炫的面貌展现在大家面前! 全新游戏界面及...

whenever and wherever possible! Game player who awaited "hero" in the group of elite beta shocked to open today! The elite beta includes balance adjustment, game interface design, new heroes, the new cool battle map content, which has been filled with mysterious new system -- the talent system debut! "" hero group will live many game player expectations, to more cool look in front of everyone! New game interface and...