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诛仙故事美文 不复返的时光不能再重来

Time can't kill celestial being Essay story not return again

2015-06-26 23:05:12来源: 多玩游戏

子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。 (一) 孟婆:姑娘,你可想好了,不肯入轮回,便要在这忘川中受尽河川酷刑,生魂撕扯千年,才能换下一次轮回的机会。 风荷轻轻点头:恩,我要等他。 孟婆看了看风荷,那样柔弱的姑娘目光却如此坚定。 无奈的摇摇头,转身递给她一碗汤药:喝了这个...

sub in Kawakami said: Shizherusi husband day and night. (a) Meng: girl, you can think good, refused to go into transmigration of soul, will be in the lethe River suffered torture, Wraith tear for thousands of years to change a reincarnation of the opportunity. The wind gently nodded: Well, I have to wait for him. I looked at the wind, that weak girl eyes are so strong. Helpless shook his head, turned and handed her a bowl of soup: drink this...

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