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《新蜀门》双面武侠首服火爆开启 全新内容点燃盛..

"" "double martial arts first served hot to open new content to ignite Sheng..

2015-06-26 20:38:41来源: 多玩游戏

经典武侠网游,人气新版问世。《新蜀门》跨时代新资料片“双面武侠”在玩家的各种期待声中降临。昨日,新版首服准点开启,没过多久,服务器就已经被热情的粉丝给挤爆,如此盛况也点燃了《新蜀门》2015年的夏日激情。 【新服火爆 盛夏的激情】 《新蜀门》新资料片发布以来得到广大玩家粉丝的大力...

classical knight errant net to tour, the popularity of the new version available. "New house" era a new piece of information "in a variety of martial arts double" game player expectations of. Yesterday, version of the first service punctuality open, not long after, the server has been the enthusiasm of the fans to Jibao. This event has ignited the "new citizen" 2015 summer passion. Hot new clothes [Summer] "passion" new house a new piece of information released by the game player since the fans to...