新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《深空传说》评测:太空站的奇妙冒险


The deep space legend evaluation: Space Station of the amazing adventures

2015-06-26 18:21:36来源: TechWeb

《深空传说》是一款由亚马逊推出的冒险解谜游戏,故事的主角是一个销售员和机器人,他们将要在太空站经历一连串的冒险故事,下面跟蚕豆网小编一起来看看《深空传说》的具体内容吧! 游戏故事讲述了一名来到巨月太空站进行销售工作的小胖子 E 在一系列误打误撞中邂逅了机器人 CASI ,同时卷入一场宇...

"deep space legend" is a by Amazon launched the puzzle adventure game, the protagonist of the story is a salesman and the robot, they will be in a space station through a series of adventures, following with the beans network Xiaobian together look at the specific content of the deep space legend! Game story tells the story of a came to the giant moon space station sales of small fat E in a series of accidentally met robot CASI, and involved in a Yu...