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Novice change the days of prohibition "new guidelines

2015-06-26 18:02:14来源: 新浪

导语:2015年度备受玩家期待的端游大作“天之禁”自不限号测试以来,备受玩家喜爱。我们也在诸多的考量和谨慎的测试下,对游戏内容进行了更加合理的改动,尤为值得一提的是,我们对30级前的新手任务进行了优化和升级。6月26日开启的不限号新服【惊雷】中,这些优化深得玩家的好评。 【初入仙界 ...

Intro: 2015 much players look forward to the end of the tour for" days of the ban "self is not limited number of tests since the much loved players. We also in a lot of considerations and careful testing, the content of the game were more reasonable changes, is particularly worth mentioning, we to level 30 before the novice task were optimization and upgrading. In June 26th the opening number is not limited to the new service [] in the optimization of thunder, won the game player. [entering the fairyland...