新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大大游赏第一期:祈太太我喜欢你啊!


The first stage: pray for Mrs. greatly "I liked you!

2015-06-26 15:08:00来源: 新浪

你喜欢玩游戏吗?你倾心的大大喜欢玩游戏吗?专注二三次元各路大大的游戏人生,歌姬?写手?画手?全都不是事儿!想知道他们在游戏中是如何叱咤风云or被人吊打的吗?请关注新浪游戏玩家频道出品的不正经访谈类节目——大大游赏。说不定下一位嘉宾就是你心目中的那个他(她)! 那么下面就有请我们第一期...

do you like playing games? Do you like playing games? Focus on the two or three dimension each big game of life, money? Writer? Painting hand? It's not a thing! They want to know in the game is how to be hanging the all-powerful or? Please pay attention to Sina game player channel not serious interview programs -- greatly tours. Perhaps the next guest is the one in your mind! So here is the first phase of our...