新关注 > 信息聚合 > GTL线上赛圆满结束,8大赛区4强诞生


GTL online game ended, 8 contest area 4 strong was born

2015-06-26 14:35:21来源: 太平洋电脑网

持续了5周的GTL线上复赛到6月25日完美收官,8个赛区共进行了670场比赛,最终四支强队脱颖而出,将参加9月至11月的线下区域决赛。同时各个赛区暂时落败的队伍也可以关注7月即将开始的京东复活赛,通过粉丝票选出人气最高的4支队伍进行比赛,最终将决出第一名直接进入全国总决赛 。5个星期的线...

lasted GTL line 5 week rematch to June 25, the perfect ending, 8 division conducted a total of 67 games, the final four teams come to the fore, will participate in the September to November of line under the regional finals. Also each division temporarily defeated team can also be concerned about to begin July Jingdong FuHuoSai, by fan votes to elect the four teams with the highest popularity contest, will ultimately decide the first directly into the national finals. 5 week line...