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《天谕》圣堂职业攻略 装备与加点解析

The encyclical "Templar career guide equipment and add some analytical

2015-06-26 12:12:07来源: 天极网

【圣堂简介】 在和平安定的年代里,云垂的子民们心中最多的崇敬与爱戴,都献给了这群手持重器坚盾的战士们。 相传圣堂门人的战斗技巧中蕴含着传承自黄帝的神力。他们的身体都经受过雷霆的历练,不仅让他们的身体变得强大,也让他们的内心充满着勇气与力量。而只有这样的人,才能作为一名圣堂的弟子,...

[Templar profile] in the era of peace and stability, vertical cloud people heart the most respect and love, are dedicated to the group holding Jack Kennedy shield soldiers. According to legend, his Templar fighting skills contained in the divine inheritance from Huang Di. Their bodies are after received the thunder's experience, not only to their bodies become strong, also let their hearts full of courage and strength. And the only way to the people, as a disciple of the church,...