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Refreshing summer send gifts devour the sky "tomorrow's new service open

2015-06-25 18:02:16来源: 17173

极致飞空,玩仙大作《吞噬苍穹》极致开测一周年庆典即将到来,整个夏天福利不间断。现在,初夏狂欢第一弹来临,仙友们可参与幸运翻牌领壕礼的活动,极品凤凰羽翼等你来拿。同时,本周五下午14时,双线二区新服“玄灵峡谷”开放,六大活动助你渡劫修仙!这个夏天,《吞噬苍穹》陪你闹翻天! 幸运翻牌领壕礼...

extreme flying and air, play immortal masterpiece" swallow the sky "the ultimate open test anniversary celebration of the upcoming, welfare throughout the summer without interruption. Now, the summer Carnival play the first coming, Xianyou can participate in a lucky flop brought trench ceremony activities, gourmet Phoenix wings for you to take. At the same time, the 14 p.m. Friday, a new service lane two zones "Xuan Ling gorge" open, six activities to help you be crossing the robbery! This summer, "" Skywarp swallowed the sky with you! Lucky flop collar trench ceremony...