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"Prolongs contact" the novice FAQ, quick answers quickly get started

2015-06-26 07:05:27来源: 多玩游戏

2015欧式魔幻精品新游《恋战》不删档新服【神域】和【爱琴海岸】即将于6月26日19:00燃情开启。作为专注小团队情感和PK打宝的战略级2D品新游,为了让大家能更方便的体验到游戏,小编特地大家准备了新手过程中容易遇到的一些问题,希望能有所帮助。 《恋战》官网:http://lz.sy...

2015 European style magic boutique travelogue "prolongs contact" does not delete the files new service domain [God] and [the Aegean coast] coming on June 26 at 19:00 on legends of the open. Focus as a small team of emotion and PK hit the strategic level 2D product travelogue, in order to let everyone can be more convenient for the experience to the game, Xiaobian specially you novice process likely to encounter some problems, hope can help. "" on the official website: http://lz.sy...