新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小米联手迅雷推星域CDN:显著提高游戏下载速度和..


Millet together thunder star CDN domain: significantly improve the game download on 25 speed and..

2015-06-25 21:33:53来源: 新浪

6月25日,迅雷与小米在北京联合举办新品发布会,公布了全新CDN服务品牌“星域”。这款集合了无限节点、星域调度、弱网加速、动态防御等创新技术的全新CDN产品,以更快、更稳定、更安全、价格更合理的服务吸引了五大行业的多家厂商的关注,并引领CDN行业进入新互联网时代。 全新一代CDN服务...

6 month, thunder and millet in Beijing United held new conference, announced the new CDN service brand "star domain". This collection of wireless nodes, a star domain scheduling, weak network speed, dynamic defense technology innovation of new CDN product, with faster, more stable and safer and more reasonable price service, it has attracted the concerns of five industries, a number of manufacturers, and lead the CDN industry entered a new Internet era. The new generation of CDN services...

标签: 游戏