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梦想世界手游战士怎么样 战士职业介绍详解

Dream world tour soldiers how professional warriors, introduces detailed

2015-06-25 18:25:06来源: 4399

在梦想世界手游中,战士被誉为江湖第一勇士,各个威武不屈,雄心壮志,深得玩家们的青睐。下面就来一起来看看战士个职业吧,勇往直前,不屈战魂。 为战而生 狂暴连击 战士是物理爆发输出最高的职业,能够在一瞬间造成巨大杀伤力。他的招牌技能“连环斩”能够对单个敌人造成3次狂暴物理攻击,再配合技能...

in dream world tour, the soldiers were hailed as the first arena warriors, each firm and unyielding, ambition, won the players of all ages. The following is a warrior. Have a look up an occupation, march forward courageously, indomitable fighting spirit. As the war and violent combo fighter is the highest occupation outbreak of physical output, can cause great destruction in a moment. His signature skills "serial cut" can cause a 3 attack on a single enemy, and then match the skills...

标签: 手游