新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动视称使命召唤或回归二战题材 迎合粉丝呼吁

动视称使命召唤或回归二战题材 迎合粉丝呼吁

Activision called call of duty or return to the theme of World War II, cater to fans called for Sina

2015-06-25 15:59:07来源: 新浪

《使命召唤12:黑色行动3》即将在今年11月份登场,该系列是动视旗下最大的摇钱树之一。不过近来该系列的游戏题材似乎到了瓶颈,从现代背景慢慢转战到近未来的设定,对有些玩家来说是好事,而对一些忠实粉丝来说或许有点疲累。大多数玩家都非常期望该系列再次启用第二次世界大战这个背景设定! 海外知...

"call of duty 12: Black Ops 3" will be in November this year, debut, the series is considered one of its biggest moneymaker. But recently the series of the game theme seems to be the bottleneck, from the modern background slowly moved to the near future setting, for some players is a good thing, to some of the faithful fans may be a bit tired. Most players are very much looking forward to the series once again to enable the Second World War this background setting...