新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《勇者逗饿龙》ios版正式开放下载 亿万豪礼大回馈

《勇者逗饿龙》ios版正式开放下载 亿万豪礼大回馈

The brave tease hungry dragon "IOS version officially open the download Ivanhoe ceremony large feedback

2015-06-25 17:21:16来源: 4399

集人气动漫角色与时下流行人物的手游大作《勇者逗饿龙》今日(6.25)正式登陆App Store,首款万人战阵冒险手游《勇者逗饿龙》等你加入,开启全新大冒险。在游戏中,不仅有着超多登录好礼,还有精彩活动助力,让你的游戏的日常体验变得更加丰富多彩。 《勇者逗饿龙》ios版下载地址:http...

popular anime character and popular characters travel set for the brave tease hungry dragon" today (6.25) officially landed in the app store, the first million battlefield adventure hand tour of the brave tease hungry dragon "you join, open a new adventure. In the game, not only has a super log in good gifts, there are wonderful activities help, so that your game's daily experience becomes more colorful. "The hungry dragon" funny IOS download address: http...

标签: iOS