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网易CC携手郭敬明陈学冬 狂欢小时代之夜

Netease CC to join Chen Xuedong Guo carnival night of small time

2015-06-25 14:47:16来源: 电玩巴士

随着电影《小时代4:灵魂尽头》公映日的接近,满满都是话题的小时代系列也将完结,但影响却未完待续。6月25日,小时代官方游戏横空出世,将于App Store首发!届时网易CC 1频道将举办“CC小时代之夜”,郭敬明、陈学冬等大牌明星约你狂欢! 网易CC“小时代之夜”于6月25日20:0...

with small time film ": Soul at the end of" release date is close, is full of topic of small time series will end, but the impact is to be continued. In June 25th, small time official game turned out to be the first Store, App! When Netease CC 1 channel will be held CC small time of the night, Guo Jingming, Chen Xuedong and other big star about you! Netease CC "little time of night" in June 25th 20:0...

标签: 网易