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干掉那个强盗 大话2免费版帮派新玩法

Kill the robber gang lying 2 free version of new gameplay

2015-06-25 14:43:47来源: 17173

警报!警报!大批强盗正在来袭,各位少侠请快速就位警戒!激情六月,《大话西游2免费版》再添新玩法,帮派强盗玩法全面上线。齐心协力守护帮派财产,清剿强盗赢取海量奖励。少侠们请注意,每天14:00至19:00的整点,随时关注帮派场景,警惕强盗出没。干掉那个强盗,刻不容缓! 干掉那个强盗 大话...

alarm! Alarm! A large number of robbers were struck, all Shaoxia please fast in alert! Passion June, "journey to the west" 2 free edition adds new gameplay, gang of robbers play online. Guardian of property to suppress bandits Gang make concerted efforts, to win a massive reward. Please pay attention to their daily Shaoxia, 14:00 to 19:00 the whole point, pay attention to the gang scene, guard against the bandits. Kill the robber, without delay! Kill the robber big...