新关注 > 信息聚合 > 招贤纳士 《中土世界 暗影魔多》续作或有希望

招贤纳士 《中土世界 暗影魔多》续作或有希望

Careers in the middle earth shadow magic "sequel or hope

2015-06-25 15:23:36来源: 新浪

Monolith Productions工作室曾开发去年推出的《中土世界:魔多阴影》,这款游戏也拿下了GameSpot的年度最佳游戏奖项。而最近,这间游戏开发商看来要着手进行全新的游戏开发计划了。其母公司Time Warner日前张贴了许多Monolith职缺的招聘广告。其中包含了游戏制...

Monolith productions studio in the developed last year launched the" world of Middle Earth: the shadow of Mordor ", the game also won gamespot's game of the Year Awards Awards. And recently, the game developers seem to proceed to a new game development plan. Its parent company Time Warner recently posted a lot of Monolith job advertisement. Which includes the game system...