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《天子》手游火爆预约中 或将于8月二测

"The son of heaven," the hot hand travel reservation or on August 2

2015-06-24 14:56:38来源: 4399

经过短暂七天的破军首测后,天子手游给大家带来了与众不同的全新3D国战动作手游体验。根据玩家首测的建议,研发团队在对产品进行全面升级完善后,天子手游或计划将于8月进行二测! 全民参与 打造玄幻国战手游 作为蜗牛旗下一款动作国战手游,《天子》手游不管是在游戏的玩法与内容上,还是在游戏的画...

after short seven days -- the first test, Emperor travel to everyone brought distinctive new 3D country war moves in the travel experience. According to the player's first test, the R & D team to conduct a comprehensive product upgrades to improve, Emperor travel or plan will be in August were measured. All the people involved in creating fantasy war tour as a snail's a action in the war tour, regardless of is in gameplay and content, or in the game's painting, "the son of heaven," the tour...

标签: 手游