新关注 > 信息聚合 > 闲来垂钓碧波上 大话2免费版休闲钓鱼玩法

闲来垂钓碧波上 大话2免费版休闲钓鱼玩法

Idle fishing Bibo boast 2 free version of leisure fishing game

2015-06-23 17:26:26来源: 电玩巴士

入滩风急浪花飞,手把鱼竿傍钓矶。自是钩头香饵别,此心终待得鱼归。《大话西游2免费版》人气公测新增休闲钓鱼玩法,邀各位少侠一起闲来垂钓碧波上。全新的垂钓玩法,不仅能够让玩家们在战斗之余尽享休闲乐趣,还能够为玩家们带来满满的收益,大量人物经验、师门贡献以及惊喜神秘奖励,邀你放长线,钓大鱼! ...

into beach rush of wind spray flying, hand near the fishing rod fishing Angeles. Since the hook bait is not to stay, heart with fish. "Westward Journey 2 free version of" popular beta new leisure fishing game, you invited to sea fishing Shaoxia. New fishing play, not only to allow players to fight in enjoy leisure fun, but also to bring the full benefits for the players, a lot of people experience, his legacy contribution and surprise mystery award, invite you to put long term, to catch a big fish!