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远离雷人剧情 《龙武》盗墓玩法夏日来袭

Away from ray led the Dragon Wu tomb play summer

2015-06-24 02:02:15来源: 17173

国产翻拍片“盗墓笔记”一经上演,顿时天雷滚滚,惹来无数读者玩家强烈斥责。为了安抚玩家受伤心灵,首款仙侠动作网游《龙武》全新盗墓玩法“卧佛逃亡”夏日来袭。曲折离奇的故事剧情,惊险刺激的地庙战斗,海量丰厚的宝藏奖励。下面请跟小编一起,抢先体验吧! 勇闯古庙 【故事剧情 曲折离奇】 隋...

domestic remake of the film "Tomb notes struck" was staged, suddenly thunder rolling, attracted numerous player readers strongly denounced. In order to appease players injured heart, the first Xian Xia action games "Long Wu," a new tomb play the reclining Buddha escape summer hits. Twists and turns of the story of the plot, thrilling stimulation of the temple, the massive amount of treasure reward. Please follow the small series, the first experience bar! The plot twists and turns in the temple [] sui...