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影之刃WP版6.26删档封测 精英招募

Shadow blade WP version 6.26 delete files beta elite recruitment

2015-06-23 15:14:33来源: 4399

由网易游戏联手Windows Phone第一游戏平台OpenXLive即将于7月份重磅上线的《影之刃》宣布将在本周五正式开启删档封测,现诚邀各位玩家积极“入坑”体验,就可掌握第一手的动态,快来吧~ 《影之刃》是由网易游戏推出的以水墨画风表现武林江湖的ARPG手游大作,其前身为单机游戏《...

by Netease game teamed up with Windows Phone first game platform openxlive coming in July pound on-line the shadow edge "announced will on Friday officially open beta delete files, now invite all the internationally active" into the pit "experience, you can master first-hand dynamic, come on ~ the shadow blade" is launched by Netease game to ink style martial arts arena hand ARPG tour masterpiece, its predecessor is a stand-alone game ".