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疯狂盗墓全民护宝 解开《天道》藏宝地图之谜

Crazy Tomb of people guarding the treasure unlock the mystery of the "heaven" treasure map

2015-06-23 14:18:54来源: 游久网

七星鲁王宫、怒海潜沙、秦岭神树、云顶天宫、蛇沼鬼城、迷海归巢、阴山鼓楼……来《天道》,跟随盗墓笔记去冒险,探索神秘莫测的藏宝地图,无论玩家是选择“护宝”,把文物都交给国家,还是将辛辛苦苦打到的宝物据为己有,全由自己做主! 极限PK经典国战网游 《天道》官方网站:http://td...

long Lu palace, our latent sand, Qinling sacred tree, Genting temple and snake bog ghost town, fan sea homing, Yinshan Gulou tour... "Heaven", follow the tomb notes to take risks, to explore the mysterious treasure map, regardless of the player is to choose a "guard treasure", handed over to the state cultural relics or hard to fight to treasure appropriation, by their own shots! The ultimate PK classic online games "heaven" official website: http://td...