新关注 > 信息聚合 > 演绎最强国战 《天子》手游二测热血预约

演绎最强国战 《天子》手游二测热血预约

Interpretation of the strongest national war, "the son of heaven," the travel second test blood reservation

2015-06-23 12:14:56来源: 不凡游戏网

万众瞩目的国战手游《天子》破军首测之后,玩家对这款以玄幻历史为背景的国战手游热评不断。首测期间曾一度将服务器挤爆,而在每天晚上八点开启的秦楚之战,大量的玩家在线激情厮杀,群英混战,千人对抗,演绎最强国战。兄弟情,热血义,苍茫大地,谁主沉浮。你,敢来战吗? 硝烟四起 群雄逐鹿 《天...

peoples attention in the country of destination war Tour "son of heaven" is not the first test, players of this in the history of fantasy to the background of the war tour lively. The first test period once the Jibao server, and in every night at eight open Qin Chu war, a lot of players online passion fight, melee heroes, thousands of people against, interpretation of the strongest national war. Blood Brotherhood, righteousness, the vast land, who is the master. You, dare to fight it? Smoke four days of feudal lords vying for the throne "...

标签: 手游