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简直无法想象 《莎木3》众筹资金瞬间爆炸!

I couldn't imagine "explosion" to raise public funds instantly Shenmue 3!

2015-06-23 11:59:32来源: 4399

今年在美国的E3展会虽然已结束多日,但是有一件事始终让我们印象深刻,就是原本退隐多年的世嘉灵魂人物铃木裕现身当天的PS发布会,为了世嘉 DC 上最后的遗憾——Shenmue 3《莎木3》而复出。更加令人惊讶的是该游戏在众筹平台上仅发布两小时便完成了 200 万美元的众筹目标,一举创下众筹...

this year in the United States at the E3 trade show although it has been closed for several days, but there is a thing always impressed us is originally retired years Sega soul Suzuki appeared in the PS conference that day, for the Sega DC last regret, Shenmue 3 "Shenmue 3" and return. Even more surprising is that the game on the platform to raise public only two hours to complete the congregation raised $2000000 to raise the public to raise public...

标签: 众筹