新关注 > 信息聚合 > WCA2015《自由之战》开战在即 电影级开场CG曝光

WCA2015《自由之战》开战在即 电影级开场CG曝光

Soon movie opening CG exposure

2015-06-23 11:59:32来源: 不凡游戏网

WCA2015《自由之战》开战在即 电影级开场CG曝光 第一MOBA手游《自由之战》自上线以来收获了广大玩家的认可及好评,目前注册用户已超2000万,在MOBA手游这一类型中稳居第一。此外,凭借优异的操控体验、平衡性、观赏性,以及游戏内所构建的竞技环境,《自由之战》还在手游玩家中掀起了...

WCA2015 "fight for freedom" war imminent opening CG movie level exposure first MoBa Tour "war free" since the launch of the harvest of the majority of the players recognized and praised the WCA2015 "fight for freedom" battle, at present registered users exceeded 20 million in MoBa that tour type ranked first. In addition, with excellent control experience, balance, watch, as well as the game within the competitive environment, free of war is still set off a hand tour players...

标签: 电影