新关注 > 信息聚合 > 流花湖大克紫禁城 摘甲组桂冠

流花湖大克紫禁城 摘甲组桂冠

He picked a crown of the Forbidden City Liuhua Lake

2015-06-22 21:23:13来源: 17173

这一联武神坛之战可谓是精彩纷呈。老牌强服流花湖在小组赛遭遇当头棒喝,第一局失利,之后一路高歌凯进连克强敌,最终取得了107联服战的冠军。 决赛紫禁城对战流花湖,流花湖云阵大克紫禁城蛇阵,且拿到了一二速。流花湖MW MW NE FC PT ,紫禁城 MW MW TG PS PT。 ...

this Lian Wu battle of the altar is brilliant. Veteran strong service Liuhua Lake in the group stage encounter preoccupied, lost the first game, after singing all the way Kai into even g nemesis, made the final 107 combined service battle champion. The final battle of the Forbidden City Liuhua Lake, Lake clouds he snake and the Forbidden City, got one or two speed. MW MW NE FC PT liuhuahu MW MW TG PS PT, the forbidden city. ...