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最后的战役 《醉逍遥》品海之旅角逐争霸战

Final battle "drunk free and unfettered" sea trip compete for hegemony war

2015-06-23 10:06:21来源: 多玩游戏

金戈铁马,征战天下,《醉逍遥》为期二十天的城战即将落幕,6月27日晚将迎来收官之战。来自五个不同服的各大精英帮会纷纷参与这一圣战,证明自己的实力不容小觑。 战争的号角已然吹响。兵器的光泽,为何而退。喑哑的嘶吼,为何而怒。燃烧的斗志,为何而奋起。最后的战役,是时候爆发所有的战力!城战进...

Armored Cavalry. In the battle of the world, "drunk free and unfettered" for a period of 20 days of the city war soon ended, June 27 evening will usher in ending the war. From five different suits the elite have been involved in the gang war, to prove their strength can not be underestimated. The trumpet of war is already sounded. Weapon's luster, why and retreat. The roar of anger and dumb, why. Burning spirit, why the rise. The last battle, is the outbreak of all combat power! City war...