新关注 > 信息聚合 > 语录:《盗墓笔记》拍这么烂装逼给鬼看呀


Quotations: "Daomu" shoot so rotten loaded to force to see ghost ah

2015-06-22 04:48:13来源: 17173

现实就是这么的残酷 “现在很多游戏都在做坑钱的东西。每天在讨论的都是数值怎么样,用户量怎么样,转化率怎么样,坑挖的够不够深……我觉得这不是在做游戏了。这是在,怎么说呢?说抢钱不好听,他们在走向另一条歧途,他们走的其实是一条铺满白骨的死亡之路。”[原文] ——上周,网元圣唐CEO孟宪...

reality is so cruel "now a lot of games in the money pit. Every day in the discussion of the value of how, how the amount of the user, how the conversion rate, the depth of the pit dug deep enough...... I think this is not a game. This is in, how to say it? That money is not good, they go to the other at a crossroad, they walk is paved with bones of death." [sic] -- last week, NE San Tang CEO Meng xian...