新关注 > 信息聚合 > 内购不坑爹?《合金装备5》已确包含内购内容


Inside buy not pit dad? Alloy 5 has been included in the purchase of the content within the

2015-06-23 09:39:57来源: TechWeb

游戏内购已经被充分证明是最好的揽钱手段。不只是网游,就连单机和主机游戏也纷纷加入内购阵营。 近日有玩家在PlayStation Store中发现《合金装备5》的介绍中包含内购系统,这一消息立刻引发了玩家们的不满和对游戏平衡性的担忧。 对此,Konami官方给出解释称,《合金装备5》的...

game has been fully proved to be the best way to get money. Not just online games, and even a single game have joined the game to buy the camp. Recently, players in the Store PlayStation found in the alloy equipped with 5, including the introduction of the system, the news immediately triggered a player's dissatisfaction and the balance of the game concerns. In this regard, Konami official explained that the alloy equipment 5...

标签: 合金装备