新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《九阳神功》X1主机版暑期上线 与PC数据互通

《九阳神功》X1主机版暑期上线 与PC数据互通

"Nine Yang magic," the host X1 version summer line and PC data exchange

2015-06-21 18:05:24来源: 新浪

蜗牛旗下次世代3D MOBA网游《九阳神功》近日在网络透露,玩家的数据在Xbox One主机版本将可以与PC版互通,而Xbox One版本有望在暑期上线。 除了数据互通的最新曝光以外,在游戏现有的玩法基础上还会加入全新的轻功玩法为主的地图,让我们拭目以待。【进入官网】 《九阳神功》...

snail's next generation 3D MoBa online "Jiuyang fascinating skills around" in the network recently revealed, the player's data in Xbox Console versions will be able to interoperability with the PC and Xbox version is expected to in the summer on-line. In addition to the latest exposure of data exchange, on the basis of the existing gameplay of the game will join the new dodge play the map, let us wait and see. Enter the official website [] "nine mans power"...

标签: PC