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留美玩家自传式记录 我见证了LOL的成长

Leave American player autobiographical I witnessed the lol growth

2015-06-22 01:37:06来源: 锐派游戏

我记得就在lol步入正轨后,在一次例行更新后,我清楚地记得是上午8点半,我准时而又充满着激动的心情打开游戏准备去撸个爽的时候,我惊讶的发现,状态的一项本应显示这ONLINE的字样却变成了BUSY!不再是可爱的teemo头像,也不再是噩梦般的amumu,现在又多了一个最讨厌看到的机器人! ...

I remember is lol on track, after a routine update, I clearly remember at 8:30 in the morning, my time and full of excited mood to open the game going to reprimand a cool record, I was surprised to find that, state a should display the online message has become a busy! Is no longer a lovely Teemo avatar, also no longer is amumu nightmare, now again many a a hated to see the robot! ...

标签: 玩家 LOL