新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大学生毕业做游戏教练 教人玩游戏月入过万

大学生毕业做游戏教练 教人玩游戏月入过万

Graduate students play coaches teach people to play the game thousand

2015-06-19 21:03:34来源: 新浪

玩游戏玩出名堂。昨天,南京信息工程大学举行的毕业典礼刚刚结束,环境科学学院毕业生小椴就忙着收拾行李赶赴工作岗位,他的第一份工作听起来非同寻常——教人打游戏。 “五六岁时,我就喜欢玩游戏,但是我和一般的学生不同,我更喜欢探讨游戏布局。”小椴介绍,初中时,和同学们一起打完游戏后,大家最喜...

play tricks. Yesterday, just the end of the graduation ceremony held in Nanjing University of information engineering, School of environmental science, Graduate Xiaoduan was busy packing rushed to the job, his first job sounds extraordinary, to teach people to play the game. "Five or six years old, I like to play games, but I and the general students are different, I like to explore the layout of the game." Xiao Duan, junior high school, and students together to finish the game, you like the most...

标签: 游戏