新关注 > 信息聚合 > 正版《酷跑超人(奥特曼)》今日在阿里游戏独家..


Genuine "cool running Superman (Ultraman)" today in Ali Game exclusive..

2015-06-19 02:17:39来源: 电玩巴士

阿里游戏于今日独家首发官方正版授权的横版跑酷TV游戏—《酷跑超人(奥特曼)》。广大玩家可以通过登录天猫魔盒第一时间参与游戏。 画面可爱 动作流畅 《酷跑超人(奥特曼)》作为南京颂歌研发的“奥特曼”系列三部曲的第三弹,游戏在画面风格方面依旧沿用《全民奥特曼(飞机大战)》的卡通画风。...

Ali game in today's exclusive first official genuine authorized horizontal version of Parkour TV game - "cool running Superman (Ultraman)". The game player can participate in the game through the login box Tmall first time. Picture of cute action, smooth the cool running Superman (Ultraman), as developed by Nanjing Carol "Ultraman" trilogy series of the third bomb, the game in the picture style still continue to use the "national Altman (World War II aircraft)" cartoon style. ...

标签: 游戏