新关注 > 信息聚合 > 终于来了!魔兽世界国服6.2版本6月25日上线


Finally come! World of Warcraft national service version 6.2 on June 25, on-line

2015-06-18 22:33:56来源: 站长之家

6月18日消息,国服《魔兽世界》6.2版本:地狱火危机即将登场!6月25日(星期四)即可开始兴建要塞船坞,挺进塔纳安丛林,直面古尔丹和钢铁部落余孽。届时,我们也将面向所有勇于挑战的玩家开放地狱火堡垒的普通和英雄难度模式。 下周四的例行维护后正式上线!届时玩家将可以开始建造要塞船坞,进军...

6 18 news, serving the country's "world of Warcraft" version 6.2: Hellfire crisis will debut! June 25 (Thursday) can start to build Fort dock, advance the Tana Ann jungle, face Gul'dan and steel tribal remnants. At that time, we will also be open to all the challenges of the players to open the fire fort of ordinary and heroic difficulty mode. After Thursday's routine maintenance formally launched! By then players will be able to start building the fort dock, enter...

标签: 魔兽世界