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突破自身 九阴真经手游组队战心魔

Break through its Jiuyin Zhenjing Tour team battle demons

2015-06-18 13:58:16来源: 4399

相信不少玩家已经具备足够的实力,能够体验心魔这一江湖玩法了。习武者,达到瓶颈或是斩除心魔,或是有大机缘皆可突破自身,更上一层楼。而在《九阴真经》手游中,心魔玩法通过战胜自己的仇恨,贪念,执念,怨念,妄念等来获得丰厚奖励,提升实力。 心魔:大世界日常行为的附加奖励玩法玩家的日常行为:杀怪...

believe that many players have enough strength, to experience the demons in this arena to play. Practitioners, to reach the bottleneck or out of demons, or a big opportunity can be self breakthrough, strive for further improvement. And in "nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures" tour, the demons play by overcome their hatred, greed, obsession, resentment, and delusion to get rich rewards, to enhance the strength. Demons: world daily behavior play additional reward behavior: the killing game player...

标签: 手游