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索尼PS4不学Xbox 不会向下兼容游戏

Sony PS4 won't learn the Xbox will not be backward compatible game

2015-06-18 10:21:20来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】本次E3展会上,微软Xbox宣布向下兼容Xbox 360主机,并且已经发布的游戏采用全免费策略,这无疑吸引了很多用户,大幅度刺激Xbox One的销量。不过索尼对这个事情持反对态度。 展会期间,国外媒体采访了索尼欧洲地区的高管Jim Ryan,他表示请玩家们放心,...

[techweb reported this E3 Exhibition on, Microsoft's Xbox announced backwards compatible with the Xbox 360 console, and has been released games with full free strategy. This will undoubtedly attract many users, greatly stimulate Xbox sales. But SONY has a negative attitude towards this thing.. During the exhibition, foreign media interviews with executives in Europe, Ryan Jim, he said, please rest assured players,...

标签: 游戏 PS 索尼 Xbox PS4