新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高考结束要发泄?《压寨捕鱼》获评2015最佳发泄游戏


End of the college entrance examination to vent? The pressure village fishing "awarded 2015 best abreact game

2015-06-17 18:21:27来源: 4399

一个非常熟悉的手机游戏类型,同时又是一款另类的游戏,《压寨捕鱼》在高考结束后的暑期,被大量高考结束需要“放松”的学生追捧,获评为2015高考结束后最适合用来发泄的手机社交游戏——一个奇葩的评价和定位。 高考竞争激烈,作文题目BT,英语考题过于前卫考C罗,在诸多学子经历人生重要一役后,都...

a very familiar with the mobile phone game type, and it is also a kind of game, the pressure village fishing" in the college entrance examination after the end of the summer, a large number of college entrance examination at the end of the need to "relax" students' pursuit, named 2015 college entrance examination after the end of the most suitable for used to vent the mobile social gaming, a wonderful work of evaluation and positioning. Fierce competition in the college entrance examination, to write a composition on the topic of BT, the English exam too avant-garde test c Luo, after experiencing a life important battle in many students,...

标签: 游戏