新关注 > 信息聚合 > 买断制手游《非常英雄 救世奇缘》今日起全球发售

买断制手游《非常英雄 救世奇缘》今日起全球发售

Buy out mobile game "very hero salvation" is on sale worldwide today

2021-03-18 11:59:50来源: 游戏时光

国内独立团队魔力设计工作室宣布于今日(3 月 18 日)推出旗下西游题材平台动作游戏《非常英雄》移植至手机平台的作品《非常英雄 救世奇缘》,同步于全球 168 个国家与地区的 App Store 与 Google 商店推出,中国区安卓版首周折扣价 9 元,iOS 版售价 12 元。 《非常英雄 救世奇缘》移植自 2019 年那款采用手绘画风,并将平台跳跃、解谜、动作三大流行玩法巧妙融合的优质国产独立游戏《非常英雄》,在不减游戏性和画面质量的同时,减轻了游戏的操作度并下调了游戏的价格,让更多玩家能够接触到这款游戏。本作的背景为家喻户晓的经典东方神话名作《西游记》,师徒四人前往各地去收集真经碎片,试图让混沌世界恢复和平,游戏中师徒四人有着独一无二的战斗天赋,例如能快速复活徒弟生命的唐三藏;比孙

Magic design studio, an independent team in China, announced today (March 18) to launch its west travel theme platform action game "very hero" transplanted to the mobile platform work "very hero salvation", which was launched simultaneously in app stores and Google stores in 168 countries and regions around the world. The first week discount price of Android version in China is 9 yuan, and that of IOS version is 12 yuan.    "Extraordinary hero" is transplanted from the high-quality domestic independent game "extraordinary hero" in 2019, which adopts the hand-painted style and skillfully integrates the three popular playing methods of platform jumping, puzzle solving and action. It not only reduces the gameplay and picture quality, but also reduces the operation of the game and the price of the game, so that more players can come into contact with the game. The background of this work is journey to the west, a well-known classic Oriental Myth. The four masters and apprentices go to various places to collect fragments of the Sutra in an attempt to restore peace to the chaotic world. In the game, the four masters and apprentices have unique fighting talents, such as Tang Sanzang and bison, who can quickly revive the apprentice's life

标签: 手游