新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天外世界》剧情DLC「艾瑞丹诺斯谋杀案」现已推出


"Beyond the world" plot DLC "the murder of aridanos" has been launched

2021-03-18 10:32:50来源: 游戏时光

黑曜石工作室旗下开放世界太空 RPG《天外世界》最新一弹也是最后一弹剧情 DLC “艾瑞丹诺斯谋杀案”(Murder on Eridanos)已于昨日(3 月 17 日)正式发售,官方介绍了该 DLC 的玩法和故事背景。 视频地址“艾瑞丹诺斯谋杀案”DLC 中,玩家将来到翡翠鸟星系殖民地的艾瑞丹诺斯星球上空,这之前里佐雇用的知名代言人翡翠海伦就在全新的光谱棕伏特加发售前骤然身亡,玩家将被卷入这场任何人都有嫌疑的奇案之中。玩家可使用矛盾放大器来发掘线索,这款半感知装置可以凸显出犯罪现场的异常与不一致之处,每一次发现都能解锁额外对话和不同的任务路线。在你神秘的旅途中,玩家将遇到许多有趣的嫌疑人,例如与海伦合作的著名明星斯宾塞·伍里奇和波贝奇-3001、里佐游骑队的明星运动员“黑洞”伯蒂等等,

Obsidian studio's open world space RPG "outer world" is the latest and last play of the plot DLC "Murder on erinanos", which was officially put on sale yesterday (March 17). The official introduced the play method and story background of the DLC. &In the video address "the murder of eredanos" DLC, players will come to the sky above eredanos in the colony of emerald bird galaxy. Before that, the famous spokesperson employed by Rizzo, Helen emerald, suddenly died just before the sale of the new spectrum Brown vodka. Players will be involved in this strange case that everyone is suspected of. Players can use the contradiction amplifier to explore clues. This semi sensory device can highlight the anomalies and inconsistencies at the crime scene, and each discovery can unlock additional conversations and different task routes. In your mysterious journey, players will encounter many interesting suspects, such as famous stars Spencer Woolwich and bobbage-3001 who cooperated with Helen, star athlete "black hole" Bertie of Rizzo Rangers and so on,