新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动视暴雪进行新一轮裁员 投资者对公司CEO不满

动视暴雪进行新一轮裁员 投资者对公司CEO不满

Activision Blizzard's new round of layoffs investors dissatisfied with CEO

2021-03-17 17:19:08来源: 游戏时光

据彭博社报道,动视暴雪日前进行了新一轮裁员,解雇了接近公司总人数 2% 的员工,即近 190 人,多个部门受到影响。起初,动视暴雪表示有 50 名电子竞技与现场活动方面的员工被解雇。公司发言人列举了新冠疫情对电子竞技现场活动的影响以及过去一年中核心受众收视率习惯的变化,称:“越来越多的玩家选择以数字方式与我们的游戏进行连接,而电子竞技团队与传统体育、娱乐和广播行业一样,受疫情对现场赛事的影响,不得不调整业务。”不过据彭博社的匿名消息来源透露,动视暴雪解雇了接近公司总人数 2% 的员工,即近 190 人,包括《糖果粉碎传奇》开发商 King 在内的多个部门受到了影响。据称,被解雇的员工将获得一年的医保、3 个月的遣散费以及 200 美元的战网礼品卡作为补偿。虽然动视暴雪的电子竞技业务在疫情期间遭受了一定损失,但由

Activision Blizzard recently launched a new round of layoffs, dismissing nearly 2% of the company's total staff, or nearly 190 people, which affected many departments, according to a report by Bloomberg. At first, Activision Blizzard said 50 employees in E-sports and live events were fired. The company spokesman cited COVID-19's impact on E-sports live events and the change of audience ratings in the past year. "More and more players choose to connect with our game player in digital way, and the e-sports team has to adjust business as affected by the epidemic on the event," he said. However, Activision Blizzard fired nearly 2% of the company's employees, or nearly 190 people, according to an anonymous source from Bloomberg, which affected many departments, including King, the developer of candy crush legend. It is said that the fired employees will receive one year's medical insurance, three months' severance payment and $200 war net gift card as compensation. Although Activision Blizzard's E-sports business suffered a certain loss during the epidemic period, but by

标签: 暴雪