新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网飞《巫师》真人剧第二季中将有盲眼女术士菲丽帕登场


The blind sorceress Felipe will appear in the second season of Netflix's Wizard

2021-03-17 12:32:11来源: 游戏时光

Netflix 旗下《巫师》真人剧集第二季在经历多次延迟拍摄后,终于在今年 1 月份开始复工,按照剧组预计的杀青时间来看本剧集拍摄工作差不多在 3 月也就要结束了,今日官方宣布曾出演过《美女与野兽》等作品的女演员凯西·克莱尔将在第二季中饰演原著中的重要角色菲丽帕·艾尔哈特。 演员凯西·克莱尔 菲丽帕·艾尔哈特(Philippa Eilhart)是《巫师》原作小说以及游戏中均占极大戏份的角色,她既是女术士集会的创始人兼领导者之一,又担任过雷德尼亚国王维兹米尔的皇家顾问,在女术士中有着极高威望,并曾帮助过杰洛特和叶奈法等人。从《巫师3:狂猎》这部作品入坑的玩家对半她失去双眼的形象有着极深印象,实际上她的眼睛正是在前作《巫师2:王国刺客》的结尾失明的。想必菲丽

The second season of Netflix's "Wizard" live action series, after many delays in shooting, finally resumed work in January this year. According to the estimated time of the crew, the shooting work of this series is almost in March As the month draws to a close, it is officially announced today that Kathy Clare, who has starred in "beauty and the beast" and other works, will play an important role in the second season of the original book, felipa Earhart. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; actor Kathy Claire & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Philippa eilhart is one of the most important characters in the original novel and the game of the wizard. She is not only the founder and leader of the sorceress assembly, but also the Royal adviser of the king of rednia, vizmir. She has a high reputation among the sorceress, and has helped jerot and yenefa. From "Wizard 3: hunting" this work into the pit of the players have a deep impression of her lost eyes image, in fact, her eyes is in the previous "Wizard 2: Kingdom Assassin" at the end of blindness. It must be Felix