新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《集合啦!动物森友会》3.18免费更新:愚人节、复活节、额外格子来啦


Gather! Animal Crossing 3.18 update: April Fool's day, Easter, extra lattice.

2021-03-17 10:06:27来源: 游戏时光

转眼间《集合啦!动物森友会》发售就要满一年啦!任天堂今日公布了本作 3 月 18 日免费更新内容,包括即将复刻的复活节活动、愚人节、全新设计格子。该更新将于 3 月 18 日 9:00 上线。 4 月节日 愚人节(3 月 26 日~4 月 1 日期间)Nook 购物中会新增“放屁坐垫”等活动限定商品,每日会刷新不同颜色的商品。返校季(4 月 1 日~4 月 30 日期间)Nook 购物中会新增“舞蹈会壁纸”“舞蹈会地板”等活动限定商品,服装店也有返校季相关服装上架。植树节(4 月 1 日~4 月 10 日期间)这里采用的是韩国的植树节(4 月 5 日)。地球日(4 月 15 日~4 月 22 日期间)可以订购到“非常豪华的地球仪”家具。复活节(3 月 28 日~4 月

In the twinkling of an eye, "gather! The animal crossing will be on sale for a year. Nintendo today announced a free update for the book on March 18, including the upcoming Easter, April Fool's day and a new design. The update will be available at 9:00 on March 18. &April Festival & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; April Fool's Day (from March 26 to April 1) nook shopping will add "fart cushion" and other activity limited products, and refresh products of different colors every day. During the back to school season (from April 1 to April 30), nook shopping will add "dance party wallpaper", "dance party floor" and other activity limited products, and clothing stores also have back to school season related clothing on the shelves. Tree planting day (April 1 to April 10) here is the Korean tree planting day (April 5). "Very luxurious globe" furniture can be ordered on Earth Day (April 15-22). Easter (March 28 April)