新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本一想要帮助Falcom进行作品移植但被索尼抢先


Japan wants to help falcom transplant its works, but Sony takes the lead

2021-03-16 17:56:31来源: 游戏时光

据新一期《Fami 通》透露内容,杂志刊载了日本 Falcom 的社长近藤季洋和日本一的社长新川宗平的对谈内容,其中提到了 Falcom 旗下游戏的移植问题。 左:近藤季洋 / 右:新川宗平Falcom 近期将有《英雄传说:闪之轨迹4》Switch 移植版即将于 3 月 18 日发售,被问到为何这么长时间后才推出移植时,近藤社长表示自己是希望移植版能同步发售的,但无奈 Falcom 并不是一家“大”公司,并没法做到这一点,因此 Falcom 选择本社负责创作原创,移植工作则交给合作伙伴的方式。近藤社长还特别地提到了和国内代理商云豹娱乐(CLE)的合作关系,因为负责人陈云云还在索尼的时候就一直进行两家公司的对接工作,因此后来云豹娱乐提出担任移植时 Falcom 很快就同意了。这时日本一的新川

According to the new issue of "famitong", the magazine published a conversation between Yoshio Kondo, President of falcom of Japan, and Zongping Shinkawa, President of one of Japan, in which the transplantation of falcom's Games was mentioned.    Left: Kato Jiyang / right: Shinkawa Zongping falcom will soon have the switch transplant version of "Legend of Heroes: Flash track 4" on sale on March 18. When asked why it took so long to launch the transplant, Kato president said that he hoped that the transplant version could be sold simultaneously, but Wunai falcom is not a "big" company and can't do it, so falcom is not a "big" company Choose the way that our society is responsible for the creation of original works and the transplantation work is handed over to the partners. President Kondo also specifically mentioned the cooperation with domestic agent clouded leopard Entertainment (CLE), because Chen yunyun, the person in charge, had been working on the docking between the two companies when he was still at Sony. Therefore, when clouded leopard entertainment proposed to be transplanted, falcom quickly agreed. This is Shinkawa in Japan

标签: 索尼