新关注 > 信息聚合 > 次世代Xbox系统出现VR头戴显示器相关信息


VR head mounted display related information in next generation Xbox system

2021-03-16 17:42:34来源: 游戏时光

据 IGN 意大利分站报道,于今日正式推出(国行为 4 月 6 日)的新款 Xbox 无线耳机似乎透露了 Xbox 的 VR 设备支持的计划。 新 Xbox 无线耳机虽然主打无线连接,但和很多无线耳机一样,也可以有线连接使用。新闻作者 Giovanni Marrelli 在将该耳机接入 Xbox Series X|S 后,系统出现提示“该 VR 头戴显示器必须升级”。这还不是个简单的错误,后面的步骤还出现了“一份更新可用于 VR 头戴显示器”、“升级 VR 头戴显示器”等字样。 Xbox 负责人菲尔·斯宾塞曾在本世代主机公布前表示,虽然最终会选择支持,但 VR 短期内不会是 Xbox 业务重

&According to ign Italy, the new Xbox wireless headset officially launched today (April 6) seems to reveal Xbox's plans for VR device support. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; although the new Xbox wireless headset focuses on wireless connection, like many wireless headsets, it can also be used with wired connection. After the news writer Giovanni Marrelli connected the headset to the Xbox series x|s, the system prompted "the VR head mounted display must be upgraded". This is not a simple mistake. In the following steps, the words "an update can be used for VR head mounted display", "upgrade VR head mounted display" and so on appear. &Phil Spencer, head of & nbsp; Xbox, once said before the announcement of this generation of hosts that although VR will eventually choose to support it, VR will not be an important part of Xbox business in the near future

标签: Xbox VR