新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《EVA新剧场版:终》首周票房超越前作,新宣传片公开


EVA new theater Edition: the first week's box office surpasses the previous one, and the new promo is open to the public

2021-03-15 17:59:26来源: 游戏时光

Khara 官推今日公布,《EVA新剧场版:终》的首周票房为 33 亿 3842 万 2400 日元,观影观众 219 万 4533 人次;周末两天的票房为 11 亿 7744 万 5400 日元,观影观众 76 万人次。官方在推文最后向前来观影的观众致以感谢。值得注意的是,《EVA新剧场版:终》的首周票房和观影人次分别为前作《Q》(23 亿 131 万 900 日元;164 万 3169 人次)的 145.1% 和 133.6%;《Q》的总票房为 53 亿日元,仅仅一周《EVA新剧场版:终》的票房就已接近这个数字。此外,官方在今天上午公开了两段 15 秒剧场版宣传 CM (视频拼接成了一段)—— 真嗣在钓鱼,绫波丽在种田。视频地址来源:Fami通/Twitter

Khara official tweet announced today that the box office of EVA new theater Edition: the end was 3.338.4224 billion yen in the first week, with 2.1945.33 million viewers; the box office of EVA new theater Edition: the end was 1.177.4454 million yen in the weekend, with 764.6 million viewers. At the end of the tweet, the official thanks the audience who came to watch the film. It is worth noting that the first week box office and the number of audience of EVA new theater Edition: final are 145.1% and 133.6% of the previous work Q (231.319 million yen; 1.643.69 million people), respectively; the total box office of Q is 5.3 billion yen, and the box office of EVA new theater Edition: final is close to this number in just one week. In addition, the government released two 15 second theatrical versions of CM this morning (the video was spliced into one) - Shinji is fishing and ayanamori is farming. Video address source: famitong / twitter