新关注 > 信息聚合 > Denuvo宣布为PS5提供反作弊技术支持


Denuvo announced anti cheating technical support for ps5

2021-03-11 10:30:38来源: 游戏时光

Denuvo 官方宣布,他们旗下的反作弊技术现已加入 PS5 开发工具中,将帮助开发者防范游戏作弊行为。(注:Denuvo 反作弊技术与 Denuvo 防篡改技术「D 加密」不是一回事)根据官方的说法,Denuvo 的反作弊技术「融入了先进的技术」,既能保证线上游戏的安全也能保证游戏离线进度的安全。据透露,已经有多款游戏登陆 PS5 时就加入了 Denuvo 的反作弊技术。奥地利软件解决方案供应商 Denuvo 以其旗下同名防篡改技术(俗称「D 加密」)闻名,近年来许多 PC 游戏都选择采用该方案防止被破解。不过 D 加密并不能百分百确保游戏无法被破解,Denuvo 官方的说法是,D 加密的意义在于保护游戏首发期的销量。尽管官方一直声称 D 加密不会影响游戏性能表现,但根据过去多方的测试,结果都显示

Denuvo officially announced that its anti cheating technology has been added to the ps5 development tool, which will help developers prevent game cheating. (Note: denuvo anti cheating technology and & amp; nbsp; denuvo tamper proof technology "d encryption" are not the same thing.) according to the official statement, denuvo's anti cheating technology "integrates advanced technology" to ensure the security of both online games and offline games. It is revealed that a number of games have joined denuvo's anti cheating technology when landing on ps5. Denuvo, an Austrian software solution provider, is famous for its anti tampering Technology (commonly known as "d encryption") of the same name. In recent years, many PC games have chosen this solution to prevent it from being cracked. However, D encryption can't guarantee that the game can't be cracked. According to denuvo, the meaning of D encryption is to protect the sales volume of the game in the first release period. Although the official has always claimed that D encryption will not affect the performance of the game, but according to the past multi-party tests, the results show that

标签: PS